Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Fate or Free Will: The Matrix

          The concept of free will is arguably the desire and reign to act freely. Within the United States, we have free will to act as we so desire. This idealogy is what Neo was taught to believe in the Matrix. However, as the movie progresses, Neo is recruited by Morpheus, who insists that he is The Chosen One and it is his destiny to save everyone from the Matrix. Neo is hesitant to believe so, but as he finally begins to believe this is his destiny, the Oracle informs him otherwise. Despite his disbelief, Neo is haunted by the prospect that his is ordinary, when he believed he was more from the beginning.
          From this point on, Neo is faced with two decisions; one impossible, and another plausible, but unwillingly accepted. Near the end of the movie, Neo releases all other opinions and doubts. Instead, he focuses on his true nature and embraces what he finds there. I believe, as the movie began, the concept was about fate, but as Neo finally chose to accept his destiny, this displays free will. Essentially, this movie is about choosing your own destiny and not letting others influence your own actions, even if it is fate itself.

Morpheus contacting Neo for the first time

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