Sunday, September 14, 2014

Aristotle's Character Types: "Spongebob Squarepants"

Aristotle was a Greek philosopher around 350 B.C. Many of his works are still recognized and praised today. One of these works, Aristotle's character types. These character types are virtuous, continent, incontinent, and vicious. Virtuous characters know the right thing to do, and they do it gladly. Continent characters know the right thing to do, but they struggle with their own desires. Incontinent characters are able to make the right decision, but suffers from weakness of will. Finally, vicious characters have morally wrong decisions and desires; there is no struggle.

In the classic television show, "Spongebob Squarepants," the characters presented displays all of Aristotle's character types.

Spongebob Squarepants

Spongebob Squarepants is the main protagonist, virtuous character of the show. Everything Spongebob does is to better himself and the people around him. Spongebob goes to great lengths to help people he does know. For example, in the episode where Spongebob has to deliver a pizza, he didn't think twice about going through the long walk he went through. Even when Squidward tried to convince him otherwise, Spongebob continued on, gladly giving the customer his pizza when he arrived.


Pearl is Mr. Krab's daughter and decidedly continent. Unlike her cheapskate father, Pearl is usually nice and civil to Spongebob and Patrick. In the prom episode, Pearl comforted Spongebob when the other girls made fun of his wig and outfit. Even though she wanted to laugh and agree with her friends, she came to the door and talked him into dancing with her. Also, when they were dancing, Spongebob made a variety of wild dance moves, to which Pearl mimicked, even though she was embarrassed

Patrick Star 

Patrick Star is incontinent. Unlike the virtuous Spongebob Squarepants, Patrick acts mainly on his own desires. He remains of good moral judgement like Spongebob, but he will steal a balloon, claiming he was only "borrowing." However, in this episode, he doesn't feel any grief or guilt until he "breaks" the balloon. He acts mainly on what will make him happy and doesn't consider the consequences.

Plankton is vicious. Creating his evil schemes, he tries to destroy Mr. Krab's restaurant, in doing so, his hard work. Plankton doesn't care who he has to hurt in doing so, he will do anything to achieve his goal. Many examples lie in the episodes: where Plankton going into Spongebob's brain and making him steal the secret formula; Plankton sent his relatives to overrun the Krusty Krab; Plankton pretended to be friends with Spongebob, manipulating him into telling him about the secret formula.

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