Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Groundhog Day Stages of Grief

Bill Murray, as Phil Connors, in Groundhog Day

Stage: Denial
Event: When Phil asks the woman on the street why they were repeating the same actions as the day before.
Explanation: Denial the declaration of something deemed untrue. He is unable to accept the impossible; that he is repeating the same day over and over, which shows denial.

Stage: Anger
Event: Phil snaps unnecessarily at the friendly stranger who greets him in the hallway and wishes him a good day.
Explanation: Anger is expressed through physical violence, typically. As Phil screams at the man and manhandles him, this clearly displays his anger and frustration.

Stage: Bargaining
Event: When Phil tries everything he could to prevent the old, homeless man's death.
Explanation: Phil is trying to bargain with death, giving the old man soup and warmth. He went as far as to check with the hospital, but only received a distant "it was his time," as an answer.

Stage: Depression
Event: After several days, he finally approaches Rita and explains is situation.
Explanation: Depression is when someone doesn't have any hope for the future. Or, in this case, no hope for a tomorrow. Citing all the things that will follow, he looks to her for guidance in his time of need.

Stage: Acceptance
Event: When Phil accepts he wont see tomorrow, but spends his days trying to make everyone else's day one of their best.
Explanation: Acceptance is tobe at bliss, with whateversituation you may be in. Phil realizes he won't leave this town, but he finally accepts his situation.

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