Sunday, January 4, 2015

Machiavelli and President Snow

President Snow is one of the most despised characters in the movie, Hunger Games.

Throughout the movie, it shows Snow as powerful, district ruler. Snow, in a means to control the districts and entertain the capital, he selects a random group of children to fight to the death in an arena. This event is a constant reminder to the districts of the "rebellion that the districts have to pay."

The victor will be rewarded and memorialized, but despite the prospect of reward, many of the districts hate the event and are terrified with the idea that they may be chosen. Snow uses this fear to keep the districts in line.

One memorable quote, "Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear," Snow makes a point to explain how dangerous hope can be. In the presence of hope, people do not fear anything. This recklessness could lead to the destruction of Snow's empire.

While Snow doesn't let hope kindle, he avoids hatred. As Machiavelli says, "he can endure the very well being feared whilst he is not hated." This applies to Snow because, even though he doesn't allow hope, he gives enough of a reward for people to strive to reach it. He strives for acceptance, not love.

Because, is it not best to be feared, than loved?

President Snow

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